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01/06/19 3:39 PM

#1106 RE: Ramberts #1105

Ramberts.... Thanks for posting the link to this very positive PR.

Too bad you do not really understand what you are reading. And the Dubai test was not in a hotel room, but on a live well. Did you know there are lots of live oil wells in Dubai?

Do you really believe Chevron owed ERHC $685,000 for Chevron running a test in a lab?

And what do you think this means? "The first field installation for the ATRA-171 is now scheduled for August 2018. The ATRA-171 will be installed in an operating production environment during scheduled chemical tracer surveillance activities." Sure sounds to me like it is live real world test on Chevron wells for which Chevron has agreed to pay. Wonder how many units would be required to do this live real world test? Maybe 50 units or 150 units or more? How much do you think Chevron owes for the units to do the tracer surveillance activities?

I probably read that PR 3 -4 times just after it came out, and i found it to be very informative. And i do my own research and talk with people i know, and i believe my logic brings me to opinions that are well reasoned and worth sharing.

Have you ever talked with retired Chevron management folks to get an understanding of the company culture and how management decisions are reached at that company?

Now in this answer to your critical post, i have ask you 7 questions, I bet you will not answer, because you do not know the answers. I will wait for your answers~~~~