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01/04/19 3:27 PM

#145 RE: oil export #144

Can you name the exact amount of debt you consider "acceptable"?

And you believe that 2 full years is "a few quarters"?

When you say "recycle debt" are you saying that in 2 years (i.e., start of 2021) you expect banks to start lending DAC money to buy more containerships?

Even if all true, I don't know how that helps the stock price... DAC borrowed billions of dollars already and where did it get them? Shareholder equity completely destroyed. It's proven incapable of creating value from the borrowed money.

Share price is like 70% lower than its lowest low during the height of the financial crisis.

Give a look at the balance of a very similar SSW company. I think they should have 4-8 quartets with cash flow similar to the last quarter to reach calming the banks and investors.