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01/04/19 10:32 PM

#27773 RE: GoodBudz #27667

sorry, not sure I can send a private response

My opinion

The hype should have carried us farther.

the stock waffled all day (no commitment)
after a 75 percent loss last year one would think the path of least resistance is north.

that's not what we saw today. we could have easily ended up 10% lower, again

I'm excited about the branding, the name and the potential like everyone else, problem is there is no brand without sales. I knew a guy in the medical device sector that was a stelar salesman and very successful. point is branding is fine if you have the sales to back it up.

seems i'm the only one who thinks so.

I should try to put in on shelves myself. in for a penny in for a ton and then some

best o luck