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01/03/19 8:06 PM

#275365 RE: AnG5640 #275364

“It’s not going to be just Apple,” CEA chairman Kevin Hassett said in an interview on CNN. “There are a heck of a lot of U.S. companies that have sales in China that are going to be watching their earnings being downgraded next year until we get a deal with China.”


01/03/19 8:29 PM

#275367 RE: AnG5640 #275364

Travel ban issued for China. Now how do I get my Baijiu?


01/04/19 12:16 AM

#275372 RE: AnG5640 #275364

Funny the title of that Bloomberg said China trade war hurting US company earnings, but inside the article hassett says it is the weakening China economy that will hurt earnings. Nice spin Michael Bloomberg. Golly......geez. Miss factual reporting including the titles too.