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12/30/18 8:16 PM

#22208 RE: meima1955 #22205

Everyone should watch the following Midas segment. From about minute 13:30 on. Smart ceo from another company explains things that might help people understand.
"If you've never built a business before you are in for a ride, because its incredibly difficult". And thats a normal business, not a brand new industry..

Still think Sean is in over his head, but they are making the right moves and its going to take a minimum of 6 months to a year for the dust to settle and see where we land. Personally I still think buying weed online and having it delivered to your house is a no brainer winner, but as the industry continues to evolve at lightening pace, who know's for sure.
Sean selling stock has nothing to do with anything, but peeps need something to focus and squawk at why pps has had a 50% haircut and makes us all nervous everything should work out in the long run..
But maybe they should use their AI technology to find a better suited ceo and Sean can just be president and chillax. lol


12/31/18 2:00 PM

#22250 RE: meima1955 #22205

Why did Sean sell a million shares this month