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12/30/18 11:31 AM

#127503 RE: emptypants #127501

If you buy a new car and sell it to me, I now own you car.

If you go out and buy a newer car to replace what you sold me, I have no ownership interest in that newly purchased vehicle—only the one from our previous transaction.

You are conflating equity interest with asset ownership. RBII does not have any ownership stake in the incoming MichiganPureMed assets.

The value RBII will derive is likely limited to partnership opportunities absent additional transactions.


12/30/18 5:47 PM

#127525 RE: emptypants #127501

I did read the tweets. I actually posted the tweets and nowhere did I mention RBII. Perhaps you should read back over my original email. Not sure what you are talking about.

$PAOG tweets >>

Negotiations with new target acquisition complete. All terms have been verbally agreed to and organizing all parties for final signatures. Exciting updates planned for next week. #puremichiganmj
11:14 AM - 28 Dec 2018

We are in final stages of discussion TODAY with the target acquisition company and expect a contract to be signed before 2019. #michigan #growoperation #farmbill
10:31 AM - 27 Dec 2018

Read the tweets man. There’s an entirely new company coming INTO PAOG.

Rbii owns x is acquired by Paog........therefore who owns company x......maybe that will help you understand what I’m trying to say