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12/24/18 9:58 AM

#9275 RE: chaostrader #9274

JCP is fine as is MANY other companies. In fact running over to loal JCP right now for last minute jewelery purchase... PROBLEM is the huge tech/social media bubble imploding last few weeks as I reported years ago would happen, and all the hype around them. They are pulling every global indice down with them right now !! PLUS damn Democrats and their "fear tactics" with political ploys likewise is fueling so much negativity too..

The world is NOT coming to an end fools who believe any of them !!!

Like Mark Haines (RIP) from CNBC years ago said then, and I agree with him, NEVER, NEVER should the DOW have allowed tech companies to be listed as they were/are fad stocks and hyped and not realistic manufacturing type industries like IBM, GE, Steels, etc were. You got a DOW today so heavy laden with crap hyped techies/social media stuff, many 401K's will be ruined still again as with bubble in late 90's for those who did not clean their portfolios of these type stocks...

We NEED to clean up markets and get back to integrity. Reign in rogue brokerages and players out there, naked shortselling, lots of immoral/unethical practics that are no differrent than financial terrorism attacks on ALL United States companies today due to excessive greed, and evil motives... Hell, just this year they made a futures contract for bitcoin!!?? A nonexistent currency that trades with other legitimate commodities on futures markets??? That should have told EVERYONE out there just how bad things have become... Trump's draining the D.C. swamp, and We The People NEED to drain the Wall Street/Banking cartel swamp as wel... Look at what Credit Suisse was caught doing yet agin overseas with a huge criminal bond trading cartel they were running just to make more $$$ any way possible....

I am all for FAIR business everywhere. Not one sided legalized fraud which is what much of Wall Street has become of late !!!

Merry Christmas to all regardless.... Love one another out there... :-)