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12/23/18 12:03 PM

#2234 RE: GoWest27 #2233

Nice post GoWest27 ...


12/23/18 12:33 PM

#2235 RE: GoWest27 #2233

Good post. The Merger factor would substantially magnify these share price projections, if in fact Merger is on the table. CEO behind this Carmelo has an excellent record of mergers so why would this be different. Connecting the dots...Associations with MJ....

The holidays are a perfect time to manipulate a stock to where they want it. I find it interesting that these actions are essentially happening day before Christmas. Day before Christmas?! Perfect time to engage in stock manipulation. "If" that's their plan to get this stock to certain dollar level, while they own most of the shares, then do Merger?!

Oh how could we forget the Shorts. How in the world will they cover without causing the share price to explode.


12/24/18 6:10 PM

#2385 RE: GoWest27 #2233


Kindly correctly if I am wrong. Recently, there were about 5,000,000 shares shorted (not including today).

The average trading volume of the stock is about 500,000. SO, IT WILL TAKE ABOUT 10 DAYS FOR SHORTS TO COVER.

Today the SP went up almost 1,000% . . . Imagine what 9 more trading days will do to the SP.