How about citing a retailer in recent times rather than a shopping mall company a decade ago as a survival example. I'm not aware of any retailer in the past 30 years where common shareholders did well in BK.
In any event, things are worsening for Sears with every drop in the stock market. My guess is Christmas sales, to be released soon, will disappoint.
WoW great! World com was suppose to do the same thing but the Judge and company decided at the last moment to cut us shareholders Out. I lost my last $6,000 dollars worth of shares. I bought at 8 cents. If this dips low enough. I might try and buy a few k to flip half and take a chance on the other half. If I can catch a double or triple like I did with World com. I will actually be playing for free. High Risk High Reward. That's what I did with World com. but I lost the last hand. The great thing that happened for us angry shareholders after words should make all companies keep there old shareholders in the picture. What we did was 20,000 old shareholders that got the shaft went on line and boycotted the new MCI WorldCom and it worked we drove them out of business by boycotting and badmouthing them with social media. Although Verizion ended up with the asset. Hoping we would forget and many did. Not me I also Boycott them and use other phone services. Along with General motors that did us old shareholders the same way. I will never buy a new GM product again! That's how people can make a difference!