Well, the central banks might very well try more quantative easing; dumping interest rates (way below zero this time???) and print even more money and buy assets, kicking the can even further... Either way, it will cause a lot of suffering :-(
If you're "lucky" then the US might experience hyperinflation. It will be a hell, but your debt would be wiped out and you can start all over again - which so many other people will have to do in that scenario. Heck, in that scenario SIAF might turn out to be a good investment! lol
If you can afford to stack away some minor amount of money that you do not need for YEARS, then you could put a MINOR amount of whatever you can spare in safe havens as a hedge - just in case. Precious metals might take a hit initially though, so it's not a short-term thing even if we get another financial crisis, but if we do hit another financial crisis then you might be better of after the crisis (relative to other people than what you are now that is). MINOR amount though, do NOT go all in. It might not play out, and even if it does it might take years. After all;