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12/19/18 10:40 AM

#152180 RE: snow #152148

Martin assets have real value of $0,00.
Amazing how some still don't get it. It's a scam and scams are based on fake value. Like a gypsy selling a cheap copy ring as a gold ring on the street, saying she just found it on the street just need little bit money for food, 10 euros, not much for a gold ring huh?
You fell for a scam. The assets would have been sold long ago if they were theirs/had value. There's absolutely nothing there. Rented shared office space where they write their wild reports. Pics of other peoples farms and companies.
All the real life actions and lack of them should already make you connect the dots.
Nobody should be so blue-eyed still believing the Nigerian Prince has all those assets and is just dying to sell to you super cheap...
Scam's up, game over.