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Full Contact Yoga

12/18/18 3:19 PM

#3780 RE: The iron man #3779

They have no choice, they've failed. And, they love RS, they do it frequently. Then, rinse, wash, repeat...easier than actual work. But, they will max the AS first, likely RS sometime after Q1 2019 and then go back to the OTC....they have until 2/3/19 to sell a ton of shares to try to comply, among other things...

Full Contact Yoga

12/19/18 9:40 AM

#3783 RE: The iron man #3779

there are no chickens, they have no chickens, they are a failed POS, supported by every filing and actual fact. RS mandated by NYSE, and, that is just one of their issues, they truly don't meet a single listing requirement. They will venture back to the OTC, then they can tell more stories about dead wells that they are going to rejuvenate, print some paper, RS again, and continue to fail. Sad but true, meanwhile, they will continue to shed at least 33% or more of their value weekly...