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12/18/18 7:40 AM

#89103 RE: PINKribbon #89101

Are you living in la la land Pink. That theory makes you all warm and fuzzy inside so you can keep your patience.

I know in an earlier CC or PR forget which it was, KW mention something to that effect about funding secured. But with KW saying this and that I don't trust that to be the case. Hope it is but do have my doubts. So if KW could comment on funding back then for the trials then I see no problem with him releasing a PR now stating the same thing that PMCB will have the funding when IND approved. I don't think he will do it...he wont come out and let the shareholders know because he prolly doesn't have it secured.

Since we know they read this forum a PR this week would be nice to let our long loyal shareholders know that funding is in tact. IF no PR then I would say there is no funding at the present.