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12/14/18 5:46 PM

#222799 RE: jbog #222798

I'm really not the one to take the other side - i am an economics idiot, but I have heard your very argument many times. How can the current situation be sustainable imagine if this was your business or your household and so forth. However the comparison is a bit apples and oranges. E.g. the government can print money (admittedly could be inflationary if unchecked). The government cannot really default because US debt is denominated in US dollars, so how exactly would that work - give us our dollars back, we default so now the dollars we owe is can it go on forever? I don't know. Trying to guess when it stops when it has gone on for decades risks opportunity cost of money for a total guess as to when the house comes crashing down (if it does)
So what is worth owning when you think a collapse is upon us hard assets? because the money under the mattress actually would end up worthless