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12/14/18 11:19 AM

#39251 RE: Hvp123 #39248

MP by 2019, NOT HMNY? but enjoy your dividend! Current Bagholders will be the blood in the street in 2019! Lyin Ted will win, shareholders will lose!


12/14/18 11:57 AM

#39266 RE: Hvp123 #39248

Gaining new markets seem like a solution but it's just an function of the ponzi scheme method. Get new funds from a new source to pay for previous members. New markets come with the same end game. Those people are going to expect to see movies as well. MP can't sustain the model they have now. Successful business is based upon stabilize then grow. Not expand in the need to stabilize. The gambler model isn't going to work. "Im down on my bets, I just need to gamble more money to make up my losses".

~ Blue ~

12/14/18 9:10 PM

#39310 RE: Hvp123 #39248

Moviepass New Subscription Plan:

3, 6, and 12 Month Prepaid Subscriptions for 2019.
Gift Your Friends, Gift Yourself.
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