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12/14/18 12:00 AM

#222784 RE: DewDiligence #222781

It could be AMGN just soured on the whole personalized cancer route given the underlying manufacturing/scaling/COG hurdles. In fact they do seem to be prioritizing bispecifics like Roche and Regeneron, although they do have an early CAR-T asset too. So assuming it was more of a strategic decision to drop ADXS (although I still think the timing is odd), and not some safety or manufacturing issue at play, then if the drug is (re) partner-able a company like GILD or NVS or even whoever has provenge now (I can't keep track) - i.e. someone w existing manufacturing/commercial infrastructure and dedication to personalized therapy would probably be the best fit as a partner
Just spitballing here from the sidelines


02/07/19 10:21 AM

#223543 RE: DewDiligence #222781

ADXS presentation slides from yesterday’s I-O conference: