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12/16/18 1:53 PM

#3676 RE: asp42001 #3675

3rd Party Payment Data Services (Systems) Linchpins!

Tug-of-wars between digital streaming music and entertainment is in the here-and-now! A SPOT & TME team-up is in the making,

Apple iTune apps, banks, merchants, non-profit organizations and others, need a back-office Billserv/Payserv/Security linchpin. PYDS is a missing piece of the EBPP&H puzzle, needed before complete E2E digital data & AI can come to fruition.

SD: I bought stock in PYDS, TME and others that work with digital "streaming" data, entertainment & security. You play Smart Phone, Smart Card Pay-Pass FiCentives. YOU take chances, while digital data war accumulation heats-up.

Color-Me Texas digital inbound/outbound PYDS service "ALL-IN"...DEAL!

asp42001 & beyond!