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leopard messiah

12/11/18 9:26 AM

#6134 RE: LQMTinvestor2018 #6132

Whatever is going on behind the scenes, Management needs to come out strong to explain and defend. They have the power to restore a lot of confidence here. And they must do it now.

I believe they said rebuttal will come out tomorrow? Eagerly waiting.
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12/11/18 12:42 PM

#6147 RE: LQMTinvestor2018 #6132

That's kinda the problem I alluded to...if the SEC announced that they were formally investigating some company then at least investors could decide if they wanted to hold and hope it proved to be a nothing burger or play it safe, get out and see what happens. Then if the SEC said "yep, we looked into this or that company and there's nothing to worry about" then the air would be cleared. But if they do everything under wraps then investors have no advanced warning until the hammer comes down and by then it may too late.

I can see both advantages and disadvantages if they were to be more transparent, however. Just because the SEC is investigating somebody doesn't necessarily mean they are guilty of anything...they're just checking out some smoke to see if there's a fire, is all. They probably look into a lot of stuff and nothing ever comes of it, so they don't wanna create a panic before they even have something tangible or any hard-core proof of corruption or fraud.