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12/10/18 12:08 AM

#6066 RE: JohnCM #6062

I lived in Oceanside during the 1990s when I worked at TRW's Capistrano Test Site in San Clemente. I liked SD a helluva lot more than I did living in LA. By far the best weather of all the places I've ever resided...nowhere else was even close.

Maybe if Congress passes the Farm Bill in the next week or two that will help the sector some? Assuming we can get the Twitterer-in-Chief to put down his phone for a minute and pick up a pen to sign the damn thing.

A little worse now but we've all seen some pretty big swings lately so who knows?

DJIA still about 1000 points above the critical low back in April...but the market lost that much in just 2 days not long ago. We're mostly cash right now.


12/10/18 12:20 PM

#6081 RE: JohnCM #6062

DJIA just dropped below 24000, first time since late June when it briefly dipped 3 points below that level. This descending price channel we're in ain't looking too good, John. I think maybe this old bull is about to pass away on us.


12/10/18 12:31 PM

#6082 RE: JohnCM #6062

You know what folks need to cheer them up a little during a nasty recession and a raging bear market?

A big fat doobie. Just sayin'.