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12/08/18 5:53 PM

#98484 RE: janum #98483

We should see some financials after Xmas or 2019 first quarter.

Why after Xmas or Q1 2019, rather than Santulan's October 23, 2018 stated commitment to his shareholders? DO NOT oversee expansion! They do financial reports! The accountants haven't really been too busy since July! However the accountants will be busy come Q1 2019!

everybody wants to see financials and books including me but delays are part of the game.

Sorry! For a public corporation delayed financial reports are not a part of anyone's "game"! THERE IS NO EXCUSE! Want proof? Just check with the regulators, such as the SEC! Even OTC Markets is unimpressed, labeling SPRV "Dark/defunct--No Information"! There is NO EXCUSE for not informing the Company's shareholders what they paid for Web to Door and there is NO EXCUSE for not posting a pro forma Web to Door financial statement almost simultaneous to the acquisition!

It is too early to judge Rod S based on delays in filing etc.

Roderick Santulan is being "judged" on far more than missing his commitment to file financial reports! He is being "judged" based upon the company he keeps, including OTC scammers Paul Strickland and Bobo "THE CLOWN" Linton! He is being "judged" for the misstatements and misrepresentations he has included in any number of the Press Releases and Tweets. He is being "judged" for the tripe he wastes time Tweeting, when trying to pump the SPRV share price. He is being "judged" for hiring a shyster like Don Baillargeon to produce a pumping Money TV infomercial! He is being "judged" by the FRAUD he continues perpetrate by not updating the OTC Markets Share Structure data. BTW...this SS update would take less than 10 minutes to accomplish! NOPE...ROD'S "BIG PICTURE" IS THE REASON FOR "JUDGING"!
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DJ Ponder

12/10/18 10:04 AM

#98520 RE: janum #98483

Santulan promised the financials , then fails to deliver them.

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12/10/18 1:58 PM

#98551 RE: janum #98483

I am not sure if anyone really addressed your concerns.

So first I would like to thank you that you at least use the correct terms like "my point of view" and that you state that you have no relationship with the company or its management. So I would like to support you, in the fact that you are at least willing to show this is an opinion.


Now, I would like to offer a gentle counterpoint to some of your arguments.

We should see some financials after Xmas or 2019 first quarter.
In my point of view Their main focus atm is on delivery and expansion.
Their vision is to become nation wide delivery and transportation company and UTAH is the first step in that direction.It will be interesting to see new state or city added as part of the expansion.

Honestly, I know its your opinion, but I would probably say that they financials would come after the lawsuit to never, and that's my opinion. I base my opinion on the idea that hopefully they are delaying financials because they don't want the lawyer's/dept of labor to access the public record. Of course, from the earlier post today that are asking for earlier records as part of their investigation. Granted, Rod has missed a lot of earlier filings that didn't need complete disclosure of financials. So the pessimist in me says we will never get them. Still hope your right, I would love to look over their statements and determine if they have a real business plan.

As for the expansion... Like you said, its a vision. I can have a vision of marrying a Dallas Cheerleader and take a few steps towards that vision. However, depending on luck, planning, and general hard work I might never get that opportunity. Expansion is a very deadly and costly thing for a business. I would caution to rein in your hopes on that giving them more revenue. For every hub Rod opens, there will always be "scaling" issues and new taxes and laws to take into account for drivers. By opening in new states and cities, he opens the company again to lawsuits if he doesn't review all applicable labor laws before expanding into new territories.

everybody wants to see financials and books including me but delays are part of the game.SPRV has just started flying .Give them some breathing time .It is too early to judge Rod S based on delays in filing etc.They are updating shareholders by regular tweets and press releases.Which to me shows their honesty and sincerity.

Actually SPRV hasn't just started flying... they have been dead since 2014 before the buyout brought a little life to the stock. Several people have brought up this point. Finicials should have been already in place for the buyout. So even if SPRV financials were current they should have had WebToDoor out of the way. As for creating the reports for SPRV, its been 6 months, posting a quarter or two instead of one big package would have given me more hope instead of a kiss on the cheek and promise to respect me in the morning. I think "breathing time" is over, but that is my opinion.

As for their "regular tweets". They actually make me depressed more often then not, but I am old and have listened to too many CEO's saying that everything is wonderful and that they are doing a great job before they layoff everyone. Review all of Rods tweets and ask yourself a few questions. As a "stockholder" is this the information I want? Does this information give me numbers and expectations for revenues? Is this tweet helpful in letting me know my investment is profitable?

For instance Rod tweeted about MetroPCS as a vendor. I don't care what cellphone company they use, why not tell me that they switch cellphone carries and it lowered cost by x%? Most of his tweets are about surpassing goals... yet you don't know what the goals were. I surpassed my making money goal today! Wow, what was your goal? 1 penny. Without numbers "surpassing" goals are meaningless because you don't know if the goal was a realistic one or not. So my opinion is that the tweets are just Pumping Garage until he actually puts real numbers in and how it impacted profits.

I would caution anyone that is deciding to invest in a company to ask, is the CEO really giving me information that can help my money grow, or is it just forward looking; which doesn't really mean anything, and can cost me all the money I invested.