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12/07/18 10:50 PM

#6441 RE: Supermeatball #6440

'Supermeatball' Thank you, however, my decision was based on facts & past performance, rather than "hope & pray", because we are the "prey". The market telegraphs what it sees in a stock & ever since Poss took over it has nosedived. When he started to run short on $$$, he issued more stock & has kept spending it without the benefit of trying to balance income & expenditures, just like everyone has to do in their own lives, so under normal circumstances that would lead to a personal bankruptcy, but in pennyland, it leads to more debt to keep GBLX alive. Poss has already shown he is comfortable issuing debt, so why should he stop now, when he's doing so well for himself/family/friends{but NOT the stockholders}. Please note the following as per s-1/a: Net loss in 8/2017 $6.233 Million or 5C per share! Net loss in 8/2018 $14,907 Million or 8C per share with a gross revenue of $1.149 Million, leaving a deficit of $13,758 Million in the hole! Please also note that the "Administrative Expenses" ie. Salaries & other perks & expenses} for fiscal 2018 were $9,033 Million or about eight{8} times the amount of gross revenue generated by GBLX, with NO relief in sight, gross revenues run about $100K per month, but general/adminin. expenses run about $750K per month. Under the current circumstances the "bleeding" continues, is increasing & IMO it would take a cash infusion of about $15 to $20 Million to right this ship, otherwise, its in peril. GL Play it as you see it