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12/07/18 3:20 PM

#454 RE: ztockings #453

It wasn't really my was kinda my Dad's. This is how I got involved in pot stocks in the first place. Back in August my stepsister and her husband bought some Tilray and told my elderly father about of those "hot stock tips" we're always getting from friends and family. He happened to have a chunk of change sitting around in his Schwab account that he didn't need and wasn't using that was only getting around 1% a year so he decided to speculate with it and took a look at Tilray but decided to buy some Cronos instead in early September. It wasn't until after he bought it that he even told me about it. I didn't know squadoosh about MJ stocks at the time and I don't think I was even aware that Canada was getting close to legalizing it so I decided to check out the sector to see what it was all about...more to protect my father than anything else.

It didn't take me long to determine that holding on to most of these pot stocks for a long time was probably not the best strategy...Dad has always been a buy & holder type and has done quite well for himself over the decades...mostly from safe high-dividend type stocks and boring annuities and not risky stocks like these potters. I also didn't like what I was reading about within a week I got him to sell it just so happened to be the very same day that Tilray skyrocketed to $300 in one of the most insane moves a stock has ever made. He and I watched it happen real-time with our jaws dropped. Anyway, Cronos spiked at the very same time and I was finally able to talk him into dumping it at $14.86 for a nice 35% gain and we've been swing trading these MJ stocks ever since with me doing all the research and advising him what and when to buy and sell. Even today being up big Cronos ain't never been close to that price ever since...hehe.

But since it's his money (and hopefully not mine for a long time yet although he's getting way up there in years) I told him that if he ever felt he had enough profit or too much loss to go ahead and not wait for me to tell him to sell...I don't want my Pop to have a heart attack stressing out over a stupid plunging pot stock, after all. He was down big in his "regular" stocks yesterday with the broader markets tanking and the pot stocks weren't doing any better so when he emailed me asking if he should dump them I wrote back that I'd hang onto them but wasn't real adamant about it and said I wouldn't blame him if he did. Next thing I know he's sending me copies of all these Schwab trade confirmations. So that was that...LOL.

As far as the Altria-Cronos deal is concerned of course I had heard about the ongoing talks but I thought it was just another rumor. We were in Aphria back in early October when news that Altria was interested in them came out. Obviously that deal never materialized but was still good enough for us to sell that stock at $15.42 for a nice quick 20% gainer in only one week.

You can see from some of our prior trades my timing hasn't been all that bad...just not so hot lately. Anyway, I blame this one on dear old Dad! LOL
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12/07/18 3:33 PM

#455 RE: ztockings #453

BTW, my stepsister and her hubby rode Tilray all the way up to $300 and all the way back down. Guess they thought it was going to $1000.