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12/07/18 12:16 PM

#68376 RE: straightword #68375

If I felt that way and didn't trust Emil/VPLM, I would sell VPLM and not hold it. Pretty simple.

I have zero issue what has taken place, trust Emil and believe there are great developments taking place. Therefore I hold a large position.



12/07/18 12:16 PM

#68377 RE: straightword #68375

Unfortunately the value is unknown until the companies that are infringing decide on a price to settle, license, buy. I don’t think you know nearly enough what’s going on or have the patience to wait out the lawsuits. Good luck though any long would say hold or you can team up with the negative people on here that don’t make any sense. DeerBallls posts the facts like once a day we’re in a good position even better then VHC because we went 8-0 at the PTAB. Just be lucky you stumbled across this company most people will never even know about it before it’s too late.


12/07/18 12:38 PM

#68381 RE: straightword #68375

I can certainly appreciate your frustration. I know that VPLM feels very confident and that this is only a matter of time, but I think they sometimes jump the gun. I too have heard the rumors you reference.

For years we have all heard rumors about something happening soon. Was it VPLM being deceitful, I don't think so. I think they allowed the excitement of their wins to cloud their time frame a bit.

The IPR win is a perfect example. Everyone was excited, that's why the stock went from .025 to .45. We all knew that Apple would employ delay tactics, but I don't think anybody thought after a year we would still be waiting for them to decide on this nonsense.

The bottom line for me has always been the patents. Smart people I network with that deal with patents for a living feel VPLM has the goods. There has been plenty posted here to back the patents up. That is my focus.

Every rock is turned over 10 times to try and find any negative twist. The fact that we never hear 1 negative on the patents themselves is very interesting to me. If one was found, we would hear about it daily.

Apple couldn't beat the patents, their own expert corrected in court by VPLM. IPR sweep. This is my ROCK.


12/07/18 12:45 PM

#68384 RE: straightword #68375

Clearly, you could be right, but having been involved with negotiations such as these in my work life I know that your hands can be tied regarding keeping people informed. It is even more difficult when the company (ies) involved are publicly traded.

I was more inclined to think like you until last years IPR wins, now I am pretty sure that there is something there, but it is moving at the speed of The Government and big businesses trying to avoid a meaningful loss.

Like I keep saying, whatever comes to pass this is going to be very interesting, and I am sure rooting for a good outcome for the VPLM shareholders.

I hope you are wrong and that you benefit from your position in VPLM.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.