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Gold Seeker

11/04/06 5:58 AM

#6205 RE: mysscat #6203

Mysscat, of all the excess hype, we do know that Lebed said he spoke with Wittenberg and was hired by Onyx Consulting.

The below syndicated article was picked up by several news services. This one was the Dallas morning news and it was listed in an email from Lebed.

This story has many quotes from Dr. Moro. It was written by Jacqueline Bodnar, a free lance writer who hires out her pen for different "gigs" with various clients. This article was quoted verbatim by Lebed long before it hit the news services and he listed them one by one as the story was picked up. So Lebed had connections with Jacqueline Bodnar and the common connection was probably Onyx Consulting. So now, we have two connections of Lebed to BOCX. One being the interview with Wittenberg and the other being that article. From this, you cannot conclude but probably guess that BOCX was the one paying Onyx Consulting.

BOCX definitely contributed to the hype in the form of a totally unnecessary 8k. Those are supposed to be done announcing material events. This one just told us about the TV show. A lot of us watched it on the link I provided. You tell me, was that a material event warranting an 8k or would a simple press release have sufficed? Moro and crew were just sitting there playing innocent with all this hype going on and doing nothing about Lebed for three days. He disappeared only after his usefulness was over. Moro and crew definitely have their fingerprints all over these events. The question is, Why did they do it and for whom?

This is Lebed's latest client. It is a company with 5.6 billion shares outstanding and trading for .0043 cents.

" Good evening. This was another huge week for us. I would like to announce my new big pick for next week.


I only have one subpenny play per year. PYPR could become the subpenny play of a lifetime. Start to research it right now!!!


My firm Lebed Biz LLC has been compensated by a third-party (Salem Investments) 8 million free-trading shares of PYPR for a one-month PYPR investor relations contract. I intend to sell these shares. Never invest into a stock we discuss unless you can afford to lose your entire investment. For our full disclaimer go to:

Jonathan Lebed
Staff "

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11/04/06 6:48 AM

#6206 RE: mysscat #6203

I live in Ohio, which is also in the eastern time zone. I'm at work by the time they begin their day. But we will be having a day off soon. Maybe I can do it then. Let's make up a list of specific questions we would like answered. If I called cold turkey I know I'd forget something.