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11/04/06 10:16 AM

#6211 RE: Gold Seeker #6201

Actually my comments are much more than conjecture. I do indeed have a very good idea that they have spent much, much more than the initial $200,000 upfront on developing the tech.

"Totally wild conjecture. You have ZERO idea as to what commercialization even is nor when it will occur. Even I cannot guess on that. Was Lebed your source of that information?"

Even I? What is that suppose to mean? I guess that is your way of admitting that, that's all you do is guess and speculate. I don't have a problem with that. The problem is that you present your statements as if you know, when you don't. If you know something, then you should be able to back it up with some factual information.

For instance, Dr. Moro told me that he is getting very close to getting the money needed to get listed on the AMEX (minimum 4 mil) from Abbott. I'm pretty sure (from the context of our conversation) he wasn't talking about the min royalty payment, but the feasibility payment. He also stated that every day we are getting closer to our goal, referring to Abbott and commercialization.

Now, you say I have zero idea and am making "wild conjecture". Please explain. I say you have "zero" credibility and close to senality with your ability to reason.

Furthermore, just getting the radioimmunoassay into a colorimetric fromat is a huge step toward commercialization and probably could easily be commercialized as is, since it already is twice as effective in picking up cancer than is the PSA. They are just refining it to see if they can match or surpass the results of the radioimmunoassay.

I think the board is beginning to get a very good idea about you, and determine whose "head is in the clouds". Therefore, my job of exposing you for the man who is full of speculation, with little real information and an inablility to piece together the little bit of info he has in a rational way, is about done. Anymore direct response to your absurd comments, ideas and speculations are probably a waste of my time. Kind of like me debating with a 5 year old on why eating too much candy is bad for you. You would be that 5 yr old arguing that it can't be that bad because it taste so good!

I have a speculation for you. I speculate that like "reverse", you are too cheap to pick up the phone to make calls to the company for yourself to ask direct questions; are too lazy to do your own due diligence, so you waste the board's time making wild speculations, under the guise of being in the know, hoping to get some real factual information when someone like me retorts to dispell the misinformation that you are spewing.

Anybody mislead by you on this investment deserves to not make money. Do your own due diligence board, and don't take Goldseeker's word for anything, cause (and he won't disclose this)it's a 99.9% chance that it's pure factless speculation!!!