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12/05/18 1:22 PM

#18568 RE: Greenaccountingbean #18567

Emperor has no cloth...............
No pain.No gain.
Sam Klepfish (Officer, Director) (1) 1,896,628 5.6%
Justin Wiernasz (Director) 1,578,776 4.7%
Article's concern:
"Any activist campaign that does not first address the USFD relationship could end up being disastrous for shareholders. Without that business, profitability would take a severe hit. That is why I am hesitant to embrace any calls for change at the company."
Issue/solution at hand from the article's view:
The safe play: Sam holding USFD's business hostage,ivfh business gone into a nose dive,status quo and no action.
My thinking:
Talk to Justin and offer him the Job: problem solved.Reality check: any likely outcome no longer dependent on Sam,his is isolated and lost; and he has no value: emperor has no cloth.
ps-a golden parachute offer may work to stop him from "flipping into the dark side" and done damages beyond everyones' liking.