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12/03/18 12:28 PM

#4669 RE: rcwhee #4660

As an engineer I know risk vs reward. There are far too many other pot stocks as well as stocks in other sectors that offer just as much if not more potential reward without such a dark cloud hanging over their heads.

All I know about this QCM is that they exposed a scam several months ago and when regulators investigated they found their claims had merit and several people associated with the company in question faced prosecutors and the company has never traded since and just filed for in my book that's a +1 for QCM and anything but a "hit job". You wanna gamble that QCM is "faking it" this time by all means have at's your money and you're free to do whatever you want with it.

There sure seems to be a lot of people here who have fallen in love with this stock and have become perhaps a little too emotionally attached to it. If I got scared off by a BS story and lost a few bucks as a result so be it. For those of you who hung tough through this if your courage ends up rewarding you then more power to you. Just too risky for me...and it ain't exactly like Aphria was tearing it up before this story in down 50% off its mid-October highs.
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12/03/18 12:43 PM

#4673 RE: rcwhee #4660

The correct term is colander. Macaroni strainer is unprofessional. LOL !
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12/03/18 1:13 PM

#4678 RE: rcwhee #4660

If you're really an engineer, then you should know exactly how research is done and how to write it up and prove it.

BTW, you are placing an awful lot of weight on just an oral interview. If you want a detailed written report I think this more than qualifies...

It has already been posted before but it seems you missed it. There was enough detail in this to scare me off but your mileage may vary. I found no comfort in the company's formal response...they woulda said the exact same thing whether the story was true or not. I was a WorldCom shareholder when Ebbers ended up going to prison so I've already been there and done that. Best of luck.