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12/02/18 12:54 PM

#20264 RE: cnote420 #20262 >> What?! LOL! I am the one that fabricated the pump about the J.V too right? That never even happened, LOL. I think management was on here posting pumping it up so they could sell some shares, notice how the last time this had a bid it was wiped out the same day?

Hate to see people lose their money here, I suggest emailing and asking what they are doing for you and get out as soon as there is a bid.

Only reason why I emailed is because I WAS interested in the stock, I didnt like their answer, and posted my communications with management so others would know yes they are alive and well, but are doing nothing for shareholders. I dont see anyone else EXCEPT ME adding any value to the board, so dont get off saying disrespect anything. Only respect I got here was a lie about the J.V

Have a good weekend, I am not here to rain on anyones parade, I will take the negative sticky down.


12/02/18 1:00 PM

#20266 RE: cnote420 #20262

What motive do I have to lie, its already at no bid man, what, am I trying to get cheaper shares? lol I can get 300 million if I wanted to. I am not here to try to get cheaper shares, nor create a black cloud on the board, I have removed the negative sticky.

Have good weekend and Merry Christmas.


12/02/18 1:09 PM

#20268 RE: cnote420 #20262

What ever happened to engineer in colorado, hmmmm