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11/30/18 1:28 PM

#146388 RE: es1 #146386

I don't think that you have to worry about "poor old" Kim. LOL.

He makes money from KBLB in so many ways, that we don't even know the full extent of it. He gave himself 100s of millions of shares (worth $millions), 2 super voting shares (worth $millions), a $335K/year salary, a 6% pay increase every year (worth about $20K/year), a 20% bonus every year (worth about $65K/year), interest from the Texas property, interest from the loans, a company car... I am sure that he has received millions of $ dollars from other things that we have no any idea about.

I'm surprised that there is any money left for his employees. Oh wait, there isn't enough. He owes them money as well. LOL.
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11/30/18 2:06 PM

#146391 RE: es1 #146386

“He pays himself 300k a year(recently) but isnt he owed over $1m in back pay? “

he pays himself more than that now...and yes he is owed over $1m..

“That would be a minimum of 4 years without any pay wouldnt it?”

you don’t know the exact amount he earns or the exact amount owed, so how can you assume what would be a minimum amount of time?...but sure...somewhere in the general vicinity of 4 yrs...

“Is he paying himself or owing himself? ”

both...i know...what a sweet deal huh)...

kim originally had 332 mil personal shares that he gave to himself...he now has about 230 mil shares...where did the 100 mil shares go you ask?...he sold them...where did the money go?...i’ll give you one guess...

100 mil shares at the average price of kblb of 5 cents...and he really didn’t even start to sell a lot of shares until about 7 or 8 yrs in that time, he has profited about $5 mil...

that’s how he is able to defer his salary....and make no mistake...he hasn’t forgiven that debt...he is still owed that money and it is accumulating interest...

“I have never bothered looking”

we have had this conversation a number of times...and it was quite clear that you have...