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11/30/18 5:15 PM

#12112 RE: blackshirej #12111

I thought you guys may have moved to The Shire full time and left me hangin.


Good deal on the budget and the relationship. Good to hear things are falling into place for you.

Things are going swimmingly here. The budget, well not so much. LoL I've been throwing cash around like a drunken sailor ; ) and gotta get on a budget as well.

I've been pretty good about maintaining internet anonymity, mostly for my own good ; P but soon I'll need to create and beef up a Facebook and linked in. I definately want you guys on the list when I do. Almost feel like I know some of you personally now.

Anyway, have a great weekend and be sure to drop us a line on occasion. Hopefully the rest of the crew is still out there and peeking in...

All the best to you and yours