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11/30/18 1:54 PM

#39313 RE: RedShoulder #39312

No shares are sold, because they are worth just as much to hold on to them!
Worthless either way!

Fsnr is like the old fishing lure in the tackle box, it’s old, worn out, and just sits there, you never use it anymore, but you just don’t feel like throwing it out, because it doesn’t get in the way! It’s useless now, but part of the past!

Same with Fsnr shares, if anyone sells now, it’s like throwing shares out! No value either way, but at least holding them one can look back and laugh!


11/30/18 1:56 PM

#39314 RE: RedShoulder #39312

I wonder if his resignation was due to “good” terms, or the fact that Fsnr can’t sustain so many inutile positions , since there is nothing to report, that job is unnecessary!


12/04/18 8:46 PM

#39315 RE: RedShoulder #39312

Fsnr down over 22% today on minimal volume!


12/06/18 3:17 PM

#39317 RE: RedShoulder #39312

How would any these bagholders sell millions of shares when there is almost zero volume? I've
seen empty shells trade more frequently than this endup.


12/11/18 1:11 PM

#39325 RE: RedShoulder #39312

Quote: “Mr Edwards has not sold a single share, along with the rest of management which has never sold a single share”

Lol, common sense logic understands the reason why!
Who’s buying Fsnr, how could anyone sell a share if no one is buying?



01/18/19 9:59 PM

#39390 RE: RedShoulder #39312

Quote: “ Also you might note that Mr Edwards left on good terms per my very recent conversation with him after he resigned”

I suppose the “good terms” were get out while the getting is good? Or was it, foreclosure is coming and Fsnr cant maintain his salary?