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11/29/18 3:22 PM

#11409 RE: wildwertski #11408

My guess is that they are finding interest in their product, but unprepared for the actual costs and regulatory measures required to bring a project into construction. I've been in the land development business most of my career and the one thing that seems to be consistent is developers have rose colored glasses on and have an expectation for everything to go smoothly. They often stumble around for years putting out one fire after then next when it was a fire they could have been prevented if proper planning had been done. Then other things like the steel tariff could pop up and make a financial mess of things.

On a side note, the latest Port minutes from October say that Biomass is on hold (something we already knew).



12/04/18 3:04 AM

#11410 RE: wildwertski #11408

Wildwertski, I cannot hold my silence any longer. You post things and whine, and make lame wishes. Sure, we all wish a pipe-dream penny stock performed like a blue-chip. But remember, this is a freaking penny stock, most fail, highly highly speculative. And to hear your constant complaint is tiresome. Stop posting on this thread, or go buy a better stock and hold your hands wishing for the moon. Most all negative penny stocks fail. I've had both, Jones Soda $0.19 to $35 only to fall back to zero. And many in between. If you are not prepared for the ride, kindly step aside.