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11/29/18 12:18 PM

#2001 RE: artweed #2000

I'm glad someone else is crunching some numbers besides me.

Good work Artweed...every time I run the numbers...I get excited too.

I've been running numbers too since the PR this morning. I came up with roughly $4.5 million if all flower was sold wholesale at 2800/lb. If some portion of the flower is processed...the profits are much higher. I still don't see it being $10 million as stated in PR's. If we were selling it at retail prices, our profits would increase accordingly.

If we get roughly $3.5 - 5 million dollars in revenue from 10,000 sf...then we could extrapolate $200-300 million at 600,000 sf buildout. Which is why even bad news hasn't chased me away. Build it...revenues will flow. Whatever the fluctuating price of cannabis is on the spot market in's still better than the rest of the country. I believe Vegas will protect their market from over saturation.

Whichever conservative numbers are used...this still looks undervalued by a large factor. You are correct also in the other major cannabis companies being overvalued. 100 times forward sales will not be a valid number for the majors going forward. That's why I never used those high of multiples in my calculations for LIHT. I've sold off Canopy and Aurora and others too. I never intended to acquire this many LIHTF shares, but with the others over priced and LIHT undervalued by a I be - long.

You are right about the other majors bleeding debt out the nose and ears for expansion...profit is a long way off for those companies....NYSE don't take kindly to waiting on profits....or 100 times forward sales. That's a bad number waiting for a correction to happen.

LIHT may have had some most companies do...but we are looking at a fantastic upside from here. With a new driver in the seat...if he's puts the bright lights on, and the pedal to the metal...we can be a big winner.




11/29/18 2:33 PM

#2002 RE: artweed #2000

In those calculations I used fully diluted share count and came up with about .59 for LIHT. Our fully diluted share count is around 306,000,000. If we used $180,000,000 figures...I get .59....Either way we are undervalued by a large factor. Just checking to see if I came up with the same numbers as you.

Keep doing calculations here...this is how we figure out what we're up against...good or bad we need to know.

What we need is Vegas buildings finished...all of them. I would rather see money spent on a building that grows cannabis in a $2800 per pound market...than money spent on a building in a $1000 per pound market. At least prioritize the building and spending order.

Getting the 65,000 sf built and operational will turn a corner that produces respectable revenue...$20 to $50 million....perpetually.

If we look at the revenues for the 65,000 sf building alone...and use a low figure of $20,000,000

10 X forward revenue would be $200 million / 300,00,000 shares is .66 a share

50 X would be 3.33 a share.

Right there is an executive performance goal...GET THAT 65,000 sf BUILDING BUILT AND $$$ FLOWING.