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11/29/18 1:32 PM

#2062 RE: ap17 #2061

I wouldn't necessarily agree, and have sat in many such discussions and meetings, and "OMG we need you/each other" isn't usually the dialogue such contain.

It's usually based on how both can compliment the other, which in this specific case is far beyond what many seem to be aware of, and as always, I think the general investment community has very little understanding of the companies, their holdings, the mechanics of any given process, as well as the industry as a whole.

Both have immense pipelines that are extremely promising in the real world, despite any and all comments otherwise, and such obviously not being taken into consideration currently for any number of reasons, while the "market favorites" are in many cases, immeasurably more attractive with significant issues most aren't aware of. (I know most personally, they're in my phone, been to facilities, know operations and staff, etc).

The coming week going to be fairly significant for both companies, as well as all other matters both have in the pipeline, and as someone who fully supports and agree's with merger, my seat at the table would be more along the lines of "combined we're going to be huge". Top 5 U.S more or less, and as stated, clear pipelines, post a combined Q or 2, I think people will be shocked.

I would disagree. Neither organization "needs" anything, and the logic, reason, and rationale of a merger, of these 2, at this specific time is much wiser than (obviously) many seem to grasp.

As previous....just my opinion, which management of both seem to agree with ;) (And no surprise as we're all logical, reasonable peers)


11/29/18 6:22 PM

#2072 RE: ap17 #2061

GLDFF is a lot better company and has a lot more going for it. Why do you think TRTC wants it so bad?


12/04/18 6:23 PM

#2124 RE: ap17 #2061

The only reason for the share price dropping is fear TRTC could somehow be connected to GLDFF. I do not think that that will happen. It is unfortunate that investors fled due to not wanting anything to do with TRTC. GLDFF is on the right path to generating positive cash flow and will do this in 2019.[color=red][/color]