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11/28/18 12:15 PM

#38046 RE: Samsa #38044

Yep Samsa, and it's downright hilarious watching this clown CEO pumping out non-stop PR's these days foolishly attempting to get this stock back above +$1.

It ain't happening because the market has got this company and CEO figured out and there wasn't a single thing in any of the multitude of recent press releases released that added a single shred of fresh value to IPCI's equation!

In fact, when mgmt. takes their undeserved fat bonuses for the irrelevant FDA approval of Effexor...the value will actually be drained again...just like it was on the heels of FDA approval of Keppra and Glucophage as this brain dead mgmt. team still chooses to pay themselves fat bonuses on approvals that they can't even commercialize!

So the level of incompetence behind the scenes just continues unabated and it's downright laughable that Odidiot tries to desperately pump his stock only after the Nasdaq decides they're no longer willing to grant him any further delisting extensions after already giving him over a full calendar year to get his chit together to try to save his NAZ listing right cheers!