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11/27/18 11:52 AM

#54155 RE: IoT- #54152

I don't wish for anyone to lose money and hope you make a fortune. Anything is possible. But this time last year they had not yet implemented their authorized share increase to 1.5 billion and hadn't taken on so many millions in toxic debt. The big problem is that the market over-reacted to the AS increase immediately but dilution didn't take place for months, so when the dilution actually did take place from June - October, the stock had already lost 95% of its value, but the market reacted/overreacted again, while diluted discounted shares hammered the price farther and farther down. So the dilution was paid for by shareholders again and again. But the reality is that at this miserable stock price, with so much dilution left to go, it will take many billions more shares of dilution below a tenth of one cent over the coming years to keep the company out of default. The pops the stock experienced previously were because of the low float. It's not a low-floater anymore, and because of the necessary upcoming dilution, they'll have to increase authorized shares again or reverse split, followed by more dilution. The next update to the OTCQB (if they make another disclosure - I think they've already been delisted but it doesn't show up as such yet) will show another hundred or two hundred million shares. It might not seem like so much, but those shares are discounted and drive the price down, and stifle any upward trend in the stock price.

Again, good luck, I wish you well - but you remind me of myself when I had many more thousands of dollars of value in my portfolio.