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11/27/18 6:27 AM

#456 RE: G. Falcone #455

When stocks are having the shit shorted out of them it's not fun, and quite frustrating, but, squeezes afterwards can be quite exhilarating.

Numbers aren't out yet for Nov 15th reporting for short equity yet will be interesting to see if/how much it went up.

The buyer from Asia that HSBC facilitated the purchase of 5% of the OS no doubt is not your average stock buyer and IMO bigger things are and have been afoot.

I have been accumulating now a year after watching the progress for 3+ years and am good not so much frustrated more in wonder really to understand why someone would short it as I feel it is rather dangerous short, but to each his own.

I short one to two thousand shares of the most dangerous bipolar $%^& stocks multiple times a day, everyday, TSLA dangerous as you never know what that nitwit Elon will tweet to pump the stock, and even I would not short this at this moment, risk/reward is just not there.

MMs its understandable they were caught flatfooted and there was a large pile of loose shares that needed to be gathered up this being a very under the radar stock/company.

Am just going to say if you add don't slap the ask, bid sit and wait let them short to you not short from the ask. Things will be in a much different light 4-6 weeks from now, its a guessing game at this point, we know ReCell being sold/used in greater numbers than ever before and the numbers will grow week to week as more hospitals take it on and we know increased use overseas with FDA approval and the real launch of it overseas is/has been done, we know that use of medical technology increases in use once something has FDA approval and we know the launch is coming in December with the first ER Jan 30th with the Barda contract and any others (military etc) coming shortly thereafter with the US budget release Jan/Feb if not sooner.

By June these days will be but a memory the cards will be on the table so to speak and then we will see. Lets just say I would bet anyone here a dollar the market cap will be no where near the 42 million it is today. And I still and sticking to it won't be and independent company by this time next year IMHO, but that's just my opinion. The faster it needs to grow and increase production the more certain I am that it will happen.

Peace out.