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11/22/18 12:28 PM

#59989 RE: runningsloth #59980

I see what youre getting at, but last i heard about anything IR said about LAM dumping was they couldnt dump unless pps was at 01. So were the dumps thursday LAM? Im skeptical on that. It would make more since for them to be diluting to get money for getting biz license and current then r/s it to 01 followed by a merger type pr to push it higher so LAM can dump, all the while many others will be dumping. I just cant see a way for a good outcome. I have seen it where its impossible to dump my shares because some diluter was dumping theirs. Getting it moving is gonna be the issue because of the huge o/s and probly huger float. Take n o u v as an example. Its had news that shouldve atleast put it well into 00's yet it cant get going because of the huge o/s and float. Mm's own tons of shares of ADTM and can hild it in place for months selling those shares back to us. The o/s isnt held by shareholders mostly, its held by mm's. Then its a bear mkt everywhere right now. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving bud. I enjoy a good debate