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11/21/18 9:00 AM

#150333 RE: flumoxed2012 #150332

There was supposed to be an explosion of cryptocurrencies which would keep mining going for quite a while with AMD/Nvidia offerings. The reality is that there was mostly an implosion.

With Bitcoin now at $5000 rather than $20K it isn't profitable to consume massive amounts of electricity to mine the increasingly difficult/rare coin.

What mining is done now is done with purpose built ASICs that are marginally efficient enough to be profitable.

The mining malware foisted on others is an attempt to enslave other computers to do the work. But no one is buying fancy cards to unintentionally loan out unwillingly.

The market overhang resulting from this will show up on ebay as cards sold for a tenth of their original price for a long time. That will have a significant impact on AMD/Nvidia new card sales for some time.

Bye, bye, graphics cards for mining.



11/21/18 1:13 PM

#150334 RE: flumoxed2012 #150332



11/22/18 7:47 PM

#150335 RE: flumoxed2012 #150332

Thanks for the reply. My opinion on cryptocurrency or blockchain, good concepts but without support from sovereign states they quickly turned into money laundering factories, also seems it's not so easy to cash them in when you want to cash in large numbers. Who knows the fed reserve may eventual use blockchain but it will be a fed reserve blockchain starting from day zero, and probably only for large amounts. The amount of electricity these cryptocurrencies where /are consuming is ridiculous.