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11/19/18 3:32 PM

#69417 RE: savagess #69416

My theory is that, if you can obtain virtually unlimited shares at half the recent low PPS, then it's generally worth it to buy up a bunch of shares off the ask yourself to cause a price spike and bring in some buying interest before you start your next round of dilution. Sure, you lose some profits by buying at .018 and selling those same shares much lower, but when you are also about to obtain 10x as many shares as you bought at much lower prices, your average cost goes way down and you still make substantial profits.

For example, if you're a note holder with a $25k note, and the PPS recently hit .01 as it did here, you could buy 1MM shares off the ask at .018, costing you $18k, and also convert 5MM shares at .0050. That gives you a total of 6MM shares at an average cost of .0072. Spend $5k or so paying some posters to promote the stock on iHub and Twitter, and now you've spent $23k and have an average share cost of .0080 for those 6MM shares.

Assume you start dumping from .017 down to .01 or lower... if you can manage an average sell price of .012 that's $72k in proceeds. Subtract your $23k in expenses from your initial ask buying and promoter costs, and you've now taken in $49k on your original $25k loan. Not a bad gig if you can get it (and you don't mind screwing people and/or occasionally violating securities laws).