This thing got started with the one and only Gregg Jaclin New Jersey Attorney Charged In Securities Fraud Scheme working as Bordynuik's lawyer and lets not forget Bordynuik admitted on Facebook he was contacted by Hans Brost, John Rivera' CEO charged with alleged stock fraud USSE pyrolysis pumper in April 2009 on the very day Bordynuik purchased 310 Holdings. So yes, this thing stunk to holy hell before it got started.
Sideline interesting story: The day I purchased 310 Holdings (April 2009), Hans (zardiw) contacted me. His program (Amanda) alerted him to the 8k. He advised me he bought on that day.
-John Bordynuik, Facebook
It's crazy because so much has surfaced that you'd think would interest the SEC. It's "juicier" than Bordynuik probably wanted it to be after us stockholders were left high and dry. Why the SEC isn't abnormally interested in a Gregg Jaclin shell that hooked up with a John Rivera pumper to essentially create a USSE 2.0 is beyond me.