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Dragon Lady

11/19/18 10:24 AM

#41941 RE: heidibrown #41937

Quote, "I really enjoy your posts, but please, if the National Enquirer is REAL news, then we are all in trouble. "

Uh....the National Enquirer...once a "tabloid joke" has now BROKEN SOME OF THEE "BIGGEST" (in terms of what sells) REAL NEWS STORIES OF RECENT least "important" in terms of what SELLS AS political corruption and actors who lied, but had people "covering up the lies" for them etc....and The Inquirer did it before any of the so called "real journalists" even knew what had happened....

The National Enquirer is a MONEY MAKING MACHINE and they use sensationalism to keep themselves ON THE CHECK-OUT COUNTER OF EVERY STORE ACROSS THE NATION...MAKING MONEY while supposed "real newspapers" are GOING BK and BROKE in record numbers...

The National Enquirer is no "JOKE" anymore- they're like the Drudge Report of print papers...making money....AND...BREAKING SOME OF THE BIGGEST STORIES "THAT SELL"...before anyone else even knew they several cases causing the person involved to HAVE TO CONFESS as the Enquirer correctly "exposed" the truth on them...

Kisa and GIFX operating "Yeni Bakis Newspaper" is a mix-up/mashable of a similar biz model...he's openly stated they are a "PULL NO PUNCHES NEWSPAPER"..meaning they will "cover" any issue and any person no matter how "high up" or "how popular" that person/entity may be...everything from real basic "news" like a major crash or accident that killed a bunch of war in various regions...lots of free thinking controversial editorial/opinion exposing some local govt scum bag for corruption...WITH NO they "break the story" when no one else will even touch it or talk about it....and then everything else "controversial" in-between...CONTROVERSY SELLS...people soak it up...

The National Enquirer SELLS MORE PAPERS than most of the supposed "REAL NEWS PAPERS" combined just as the "Drudge Report" gets more web traffic for certain, than ALL NEWSPAPER SITES COMBINED....AND BOTH ARE MASSIVELY PROFITABLE....a brilliant business model....MAKE PROFIT....MAKE MONEY....while everyone else is circling the drain and filing BK......

Yeni Bakis is not nearly as "tabloid" or over the top as the's "similar" in that Kisa uses BRIGHTLY COLORED FULL FRONT PAGE COVER STORIES...often on highly "CONTROVERSIAL" topics- a brilliant biz model.

To many people, the Enquirer is like a drug addiction- PEOPLE CAN NOT WAIT TO BUY IT...while the "real news papers" are relegated to FISH WRAP and BIRD CAGE LINER....Kisa wants the same thing....he wants people to be BEGGING FOR THAT NEXT EDITION of Yeni Bakis to hit their porch or doorway or news stand...LIKE A DRUG they can't live without...SELL MORE PAPERS...MAKE MORE MONEY....that's where it's at....