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11/18/18 5:07 AM

#249080 RE: Snowy_Owl #249072

I suppose you're suggesting that the fact that I thought was worth noting for people who have the good fortune to be unfamiliar with the process...
"The typical retention enema is intended to be retained overnight."...was actually obvious and universally known. I didn't think so.

Apparently the Company didn't think so either, having seen fit to remind the attendees to the “IBD Innovate 2018” Conference Hosted by the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of the fact in their poster:
"Note: Brilacidin Retention Enema (60 mL; 2 oz): Once daily at bedtime for 6 weeks (42 days); with attempt to retain through the night/minimally retain for 30 (±5) mins. Endoscopic Evaluation: Investigator assessment of rectal and sigmoid mucosa up to 40 cm from anal verge at screening and at end of treatment / Day 42 (±3 days)"


11/18/18 6:07 AM

#249082 RE: Snowy_Owl #249072

If my comment about the fact that the retention of the enema was intended to be overnight was as obvious to you as your sarcastic response implied, then perhaps you possess the knowledge to address the questions you thought weren't worthy of comment. They seem relevant to me:

"Generally people with Active Mild-to-Moderate Ulcerative Proctitis (UP)/Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis (UPS) aren't hospitalized for treatment. Would they have been hospitalized for the trial? If not, wouldn't that present a control issue?"
Maybe those answers are obvious, too. Not to me. Did I miss where it was addressed in the poster?