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11/16/18 4:18 PM

#45703 RE: mr_sano #45701

COMPLETE NONSENSE. The sec has VERIFIED & APPROVED the INDEPENDENT reports provided by ATS RheoSystems, RMOTC & PETROCHINA. The INDEPEDENT results are published in the 10k about the PROVEN AOT. This is why the DRA & DILUENT companies & their AGENTS, LAWYERS & PARASITES are very concerned about the PROVEN AOT & the damage it will do to their industry & profits. The DRA & DILUENT companies have FAILED to stop the progress of the PROVEN AOT.

Laboratory and Scientific Testing

From 2010 through 2013, the Company worked with the U.S. Department of Energy (“US DOE”) to test its technology at the Department of Energy’s Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center (“RMOTC”), near Casper, Wyoming. This third-party testing independently verified the efficacy of the Company’s technology operating in a controlled facility, using commercial-scale prototype of our AOT equipment. These tests were summarized in the US DOE Rocky Mountain Oilfield Test Center report dated April 4, 2012 (“ROMRC Report”), which reported AOT measured pressure loss reduction of 40% (RMOTC Report, Fig. 1, page 4) and viscosity reduction of 40% (RMOTC Report, Fig. 2, page 4); and reported observed reductions in line-loss and gains in pump operation efficiency across the entire length of the 4.4-mile test pipeline. A copy of the RMOTC April 4, 2012 Report is available on the Company website at: A subsequent long-duration (24-hour) test at the RMOTC facility tested the effectiveness of AOT in treating oil overnight, as pipeline oil temperatures and viscosities drop. In its report dated May 3, 2012 to May 4, 2012, US DOE engineers recorded 56% reduction in viscosity of the AOT-treated oil versus untreated oil, with AOT effectively stabilizing oil viscosity throughout the overnight run despite dropping temperatures. A copy of the RMOTC May 3, 2012 to May 4, 2012 report is available on the Company website at:

Laboratory testing of our AOT technology has been conducted by Dr. Rongjia Tao. Testing of the technology as applied to crude oil extraction and transmission has been conducted at Temple University in their Physics Department, in addition to the US DOE, at their Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, located on the Naval Petroleum Reserve #3 Teapot Dome Oilfield, north of Casper, Wyoming. In addition, a group led by Dr. Rongjia Tao, Chairman, Department of Physics of Temple University conducted experiments, using the laboratory-scale Applied Oil Technology apparatus at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Center for Neutron Research (CNR). NIST is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, founded in 1901 in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

Independent laboratory testing was also conducted as a collaborative effort by Temple University and PetroChina Pipeline R&D Center (“PetroChina”) in 2012. In its report dated June 26, 2012 (“PetroChina Report”), PetroChina concluded, “The above series of tests show that it is very effective to use AOT to reduce the viscosity of crude oil. We can see that AOT has significantly reduced the viscosity of Daqing crude oil, Changqing crude oil, and Venezuela crude oil, and greatly improved its flow rate.” (PetroChina Report, page 15). A copy of the PetroChina Report is available online at:

As previously reported in 2014, QS Energy installed and tested its commercial AOT equipment, leased and operated by TransCanada on TransCanada’s high-volume Keystone pipeline operation. The first full test of the AOT equipment on the Keystone pipeline was performed in July 2014, with preliminary data analyzed and reported by Dr. Rongjia Tao of Temple University. Upon review of the July 2014 test results and preliminary report by Dr. Tao, QS Energy and TransCanada mutually agreed that this initial test was flawed due to, among other factors, the short term nature of the test, the inability to isolate certain independent pipeline operating factors such as fluctuations in upstream pump station pressures, and limitations of the AOT device to produce a sufficient electric field to optimize viscosity reduction. Although Dr. Tao’s preliminary report indicated promising results, QS Energy and TransCanada mutually agreed that no conclusions could be reliably reached from the July 2014 test or from Dr. Tao’s preliminary report. As a result of this test, the Company modified its testing protocols and contracted with an independent laboratory, ATS RheoSystems, a division of CANNON (“ATS”), to perform follow-up tests at the TransCanada facility. This independent laboratory performed viscosity measurements at the TransCanada facility during subsequent testing in September 2014. As detailed in its field test report dated October 6, 2014, ATS measured AOT viscosity reductions of 8% to 23% depending on flow rates and crude oil types in transit. Over the duration of a 24-hour test intended to measure the recovery of the AOT treated oil from its reduced-viscosity treated state to its original pre-treated viscosity, ATS measured viscosity reductions of 23% three hours after treatment and 11% thirteen hours after treatment, with the crude oil returning to its untreated state approximately twenty-two hours after treatment. In its summary report dated February 5, 2015, ATS concluded that i) data indicated a decrease in viscosity of crude oil flowing through the TransCanada pipeline due to AOT treatment of the crude oil; and ii) the power supply installed on our equipment would need to be increased to maximize reduction in viscosity and take full advantage of the AOT technology. A copy of the ATS summary report dated February 5, 2015 is available on the Company website at: A copy of the ATS field test report dated October 6, 2014, with certain confidential information redacted, is available on the Company website at:

Although, as reported by ATS, the efficacy of the AOT technology operated in the TransCanada field test was constrained due to limitations of the electric field applied by that unit’s power supply, subsequent analysis by QS Energy personnel of ATS test results compared against laboratory tests performed at Temple University on oil samples provided by TransCanada revealed a single test run in which the electric field generated by the AOT was sufficient to fully treat the oil given operating conditions at the time of the test. In this test run, ATS measured a 23% reduction in viscosity three hours after AOT treatment. Laboratory tests at Temple University performed on a sample of crude oil provided by TransCanada of the same type treated in that specific field test measured a 27% reduction in viscosity in the laboratory immediately following treatment. Allowing for the actual three-hour of recovery time of the field test measurement, the resulting field test viscosity reduction of 23% correlates very well to the 27% viscosity reduction achieved in the laboratory setting.

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11/16/18 4:41 PM

#45704 RE: mr_sano #45701

ABSOLUTELY FALSE according to all the GEMS & FACTS from the latest 10q filing. This is more ACCURATE & FACTUAL about the PROVEN AOT & KINDER MORGAN. NEXT

In February 2016, the modified AOT equipment was installed at Kinder Morgan’s facility. Pre-acceptance testing was performed in April 2016, culminating in more than 24 hours of continuous operations. In-field viscosity measurements and pipeline data collected during this test indicated the AOT equipment operated as expected, resulting in viscosity reductions equivalent to those measured under laboratory conditions. Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (“SCADA”) pipeline operating data collected by Kinder Morgan during this test indicated a pipeline pressure drop reduction consistent with expectations. Kinder Morgan provided the Company with a number of additional crude oil samples which were tested in the laboratory for future test correlation and operational planning purposes. Based on final analysis of in-field test results, SCADA operating data and subsequent analysis of crude oil samples at Temple University, Kinder Morgan and QS Energy are considering moving the AOT test facility to a different, higher-volume pipeline location.

The Company is actively seeking deployments of its AOT technology intended to demonstrate and document AOT efficacy, operational benefits, and financial impact. Primary activities are focused on AOT demonstration and joint development projects in the United States, South America and Asia. These projects are designed to provide operating data and physical access to prospective customers to aid product commercialization and future sales. We are currently working with a U.S.-based pipeline operator on a potential development agreement under which we would operate an AOT midstream unit on a pipeline located in the United States delivering multiple heavy crudes. In August, these efforts culminated in the execution of a non-bindingMemorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) detailing the project’s general scope, timeline and terms. Since that time, we have been working diligently with the operator to complete engineering reviews, select a project location, and finalize a detailed statement of work which we anticipate will be the foundation for final definitive agreements. Although final project terms may vary from those described in the current statement of work, we and the operator have a general understanding that, subject to the execution of a definitive agreement, the demonstration project will operate under an initial term of 36 months, targeting installation in December 2018 – January 2019. QS Energy and the pipeline operator would have dual ownership of all data collected. Importantly, AOT-related data would not be as tightly restricted as it has been in the past, and access to the demonstration site would be made available to prospective QS Energy customers. QS Energy would provide and retain ownership of all AOT equipment at no cost to the operator and pay AOT-related installation and operating costs through the term of the project. The project would be subject to early termination by either party after 6 months of operations. At the end of the initial term, the operator would have the option to extend the project or either purchase equipment or lease equipment under terms to be mutually agreed upon.

Preparation for this demonstration project started several months ago when we entered into a master services contract with the pipeline operator, initiating the operator’s vendor qualification process, a process which began with a review of our operating procedures and records and was finalized earlier this month with the expansion of our insurance coverages to meet the operator’s standard requirements. Upon execution of the MOU in August, we selected an AOT unit from inventory for inspection and quality assurance testing, after which we sent the AOT to one of our supply-chain partners for some minor system improvements. Equipment preparation, hydro testing and final quality assurance should be completed in November, on schedule for delivery to the demonstration site for installation in December-January.

Crude oil samples provided by the pipeline operator have been tested at Temple University, indicating AOT could significantly reduce viscosity of the heavy crudes typically transported through this pipeline. Analysis of the selected pipeline location and configuration indicates the proposed location has excellent characteristics for demonstration purposes. If successful at the proposed location, acquisition and installation of additional AOT’s may be required for the operator to fully realize and optimize AOT benefits along the full length of the selected pipeline.

The Company is currently pursuing AOT testing in several countries in South America related to upstream, midstream, barge, and tanker truck applications. Oil samples from multiple clients have been shipped from South America for testing at Temple University. There is a vast amount of heavy oil in these countries and we believe the Ministers of Hydrocarbons have standing orders to increase production and transportation capacity. We continue to work with an existing client in Asia for an AOT installation; however, progress on this project has slowed from our original targets. In August 2018, we were informed by our Asian client the project would be suspended and reassessed in 2019 subject to budget and project approval requirements imposed by new management. In August 2018, we were approached by a prospective customer in northwest Asia and have been invited to meet with senior management to make presentations and provide a proposal to install AOTs on a new 2,000 km pipeline. We are also in discussions with an exploration and production company regarding AOT operations on a West Coast heavy crude gathering line that relies heavily on diluent to achieve required viscosity. This project is designed to demonstrate AOT for upstream and trucking applications. Ongoing communications are continuing with energy companies in Europe and the Middle East.

In July 2017, the Company filed for trademark protection for the word “eDiluent” in advance of rolling out a new marketing and revenue strategy based on the concept of using AOT to reduce pipeline dependence upon diluent to reduce viscosity of crude oils. A primary function of AOT is to reduce viscosity by means of its solid-state electronics technology, in essence providing an electronic form of diluent, or “eDiluent”. The Company plans to market and sell a value-added service under the name eDiluent, designed to be upsold by the Company’s midstream pipeline customers in an effort to provide the Company with long-term recurring revenues.

During the third quarter 2017, the Company built a dedicated laboratory space at its Tomball Texas facility, and now has the capability to perform onsite testing utilizing our laboratory-scale AOT device, among other equipment. Development of an AOT unit for use in crude oil upstream and gathering operations was restarted in September 2017 utilizing resources at the Tomball facility, and the Company plans to resume Joule Heat development in the future depending on the availability of sufficient capital and other resources. Also, during the third quarter 2017, the Company built an outdoor facility at its Tomball Texas facility for onsite storage of AOT inventory and other large equipment. The Tomball facility is owned by the Company’s CEO as described in our Form 10-K filed with the SEC on April 2, 2018.

During the third quarter 2016, the Company developed a new onsite testing program to demonstrate AOT viscosity reduction at prospective customer sites. This program utilized a fully functional laboratory-scale AOT device designed and developed by the Company and tested at the Southern Research Institute. Under this program, Company engineers set up a temporary lab at the customer’s site to test a full range of crude oils. Fees charged for providing this service were dependent on scope of services, crude oil sample to be tested, and onsite time requirements. In the fourth quarter 2016, the Company entered a contract to provide these onsite testing services to a North American oil producer and pipeline operator over a one-week period in early 2017 at a fixed price of $50,000. This test was performed in January 2017; data analysis and final report was completed in March 2017. Test results demonstrated viscosity reduction under limited laboratory conditions. The test equipment was not capable of controlling temperature as required to simulate operating conditions. The oil producer has requested access to a full-scale pilot facility and operating data when available. The Company is in the process of upgrading the laboratory-scale AOT device for planned deployment in 2018 to include temperature control and is actively pursuing a pilot site to demonstrate AOT operations.

Southern Research Institute (SRI) was engaged by QS Energy in 2015 to investigate the root cause of the crude oil condensate impedance issue by replicating conditions experienced in the field utilizing a laboratory-scaled version of the AOT and crude oil condensate samples provided by Kinder Morgan. In addition, QS Energy retained an industry expert petroleum pipeline engineer to review the AOT design and suggest design modifications to resolve the crude oil condensate impedance issue. This engineer has studied design details, staff reports and forensic photographs of each relevant AOT installation and test. Based on these investigations, specific modifications were proposed to resolve the impedance issue, and improve the overall efficiency of the AOT device, resulting in a new value-engineered design of certain AOT internal components.

In 2014, the Company began development of a new suite of products based around the new electrical heat system which reduces oil viscosity through a process known as joule heat (“Joule Heat”). The Company built and tested its first Joule Heat prototype in June 2015. The system was operational; however, changes to the prototype configuration will be required to determine commercial effectiveness of this unit. In December 2015, we suspended Joule Heat development activities to focus Company resources on finalizing commercial development of the AOT. We plan to resume Joule Heat development in the future depending on the availability of sufficient capital and other resources.

QS Energy, Inc. (“QS Energy” or “Company” or “we” or “us” or “our”) develops and commercializes energy efficiency technologies that assist in meeting increasing global energy demands, improving the economics of oil transport, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Company's intellectual properties include a portfolio of domestic and international patents and patents pending, a substantial portion of which have been developed in conjunction with and exclusively licensed from Temple University of Philadelphia, PA (“Temple”). QS Energy's primary technology is called Applied Oil Technology (AOT), a commercial-grade crude oil pipeline transportation flow-assurance product. Engineered specifically to reduce pipeline pressure loss, increase pipeline flow rate and capacity, and reduce shippers’ reliance on diluents and drag reducing agents to meet pipeline maximum viscosity requirements, AOT is a 100% solid-state system that reduces crude oil viscosity by applying a high intensity electrical field to crude oil while in transit. AOT technology delivers reductions in crude oil viscosity and pipeline pressure loss as demonstrated in independent third-party tests performed by the U.S. Department of Energy, the PetroChina Pipeline R&D Center, and ATS RheoSystems, a division of CANNON™, at full-scale test facilities in the U.S. and China, and under commercial operating conditions on one of North America’s largest high-volume crude oil pipelines. Prior testing on a commercial crude oil condensate pipeline demonstrated high correlation between laboratory analysis and full-scale AOT operations under commercial operating conditions with onsite measurements and data collected by the pipeline operator on its supervisory control and data acquisition (“SCADA”) system. The AOT product has transitioned from laboratory testing and ongoing research and development to initial production and continued testing in advance of our goal of seeking acceptance and adoption by the upstream and midstream pipeline marketplace. We continue to devote the bulk of our efforts to the promotion, design, testing and the commercial manufacturing and operations of our crude oil pipeline products in the upstream and midstream energy sector. We anticipate that these efforts will continue during 2018.