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11/16/18 9:40 AM

#29510 RE: PepsiMan #29508

Yes,thinking next week myself for news. But I think no matter what day it should be awesome.

INTK $$$$


11/16/18 11:06 AM

#29517 RE: PepsiMan #29508

I feel this moves as soon as Monday. I never expected financials to move this allot. I never expected big net numbers. I was looking for current status and up to date financials. I did expect maybe a little bit more in the Q3, but realize the cost to getting current and past due taxes from many years ago had some impact.
Now what I truly felt all along and was looking for is the now follow up.....

Company updates on current business?
And will any updates be somewhat verifiable?
Just as one example would be to mention in an official PR in the news wires are promised, Caterpillar?
If they issue and release names of fortune 500 companies they are doing business with and note they are well on their path to real profitability, this will be multi penny at some point.