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11/15/18 4:51 PM

#29617 RE: rodman #29616

No, no VSPC aren't receiving inquires about anything. We are very much in the loop.

VSPC has no staff. Schewe is the absent ghost-CEO. Carl is a "consultant" in how to sell more shares of stock to the public to put cash in their pockets. The other two do-nothings aren't up to anything either.

They can't even file their 10-Q on time. They don't have any business, so it shouldn't be that hard for their ice company contract accountant to add up a few numbers unless he's incompetent, which appears to be the case.

So do tell...more TOP SECRET fake MOU's? More MOUs with a fake company? Please...educate us. This is a place to share information (even if it's fake info fed to us by the company!).


11/15/18 5:31 PM

#29618 RE: rodman #29616

Inquires? They must be secret as there is no public record of them? Who would they be inquiring to? There are no employees for the inquiries to go to? This sounds like the same fake news we have heard from the" watch it grow" fun club for years? I know my DD on these guys is pretty good, in fact based on the history of the company VERY GOOD. Look at what I have posted vs the "watch it grow" fan club? Who has been right? I know the PPS has moved consistent with my projections. I might be out of the loop with the Watch it Grow fan club, but in terms of VSPC the only person who has called it closer is Big Casino?

Hate to be factual but the facts do not support your news.

Good luck, you might want to buy if you BELIEVE as the price is LOW


11/15/18 8:35 PM

#29619 RE: rodman #29616

By the way Rodman, NASA gets many inquires everyday. Most are related to VSPC, and that is ALIENS!!!

I am sure Carl is still inquiring about the moon landing being fake as well.

GIve me a BREAK! The "Watch it Grow" fan club has not had a good run with VSPC