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11/13/18 4:21 PM

#34057 RE: Super hipper #34031

Well the miracle happened. So what? Like one of my fellow posters who earlier asked if you were still invested and if not, why post, I'll ask the same. The point of posting is to provide insight, humor, education, links, caution - something investors can use. Something to think about. It's not a place to gloat (BKK), repeat fake news (I-Glow) or confuse (Vandalay). This board is being taken over by those sorts and is less becoming a place I want to go to gain insight.

So when you said a few days ago, that you couldn't afford to withstand the 10-30% volatility in this stock and got out, that sounded like a good move. If you're worried that a drop is going to affect your family or your dinner table or your car payment, then by all mean, sell and be done. I've done that in my past - fretted endlessly about my decision, wasted valuable life energy. But I found that when I capitulated and sold, I let go of a lot of stress. And I stopped looking. If you really got out, then why not take a break instead of piping in little statements that do nothing but sow uncertainty in someone who bought 1000 shares on spec and now gets scared out of them. You either believe in this or not (or short and long trade it like POTN). I'm crazily overinvested in this stock and have probably lost more money on paper than BKK claims to have made trading this. But I think this will appreciate considerably more after the FB and uplisting. So I'm willing to wait.

So if you're not in the stock, why comment. I never appreciated receiving parenting advice from people without kids, and this feels the same. Good luck picking a good re-entry point, but until then, silence is golden. Hope I'm not perceived as attacking you, and I do believe in your right to free speech.