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11/12/18 2:31 PM

#27827 RE: Dutch1 #27807

Please read his WHOLE post again.

Sure enough Major's getting calls. Flat response "We do not communicate with the public on contracted work." Any other claim A FLAT LIE so consider the source.

So did he or did he not talk to someone at Major? I don't know. But then who or how was it verified Major's getting calls?

Results of drills IAW std Intl procedure are sent direct to assay lab and tho become Mexus property are released with official certification. Month since 6 Oct Mexus contract COUNTERSIGNED (what else could happen,after Major sent for Mexus approval) was in Lemas Mexus COO and small crew prepping the plan for drill sites as Major wished them to in best position to produce a well planned result. Quite limited length width and finally depth as Lemas designed initial steps.

Is this fact or opinion? There is no indication this is mere speculation. Again, how or from whom does one learn Lemas and small crew [by the way who is in this small crew] prepping the plan for drill sites.

Today PT's driving down from, Lots of Interest meet at Portland with CA ablaze but on I-5 not 101 or CA 99. Been to drill area often on foot and down incline Julio 70' shaft.

Again is the poster's random opinion that PT is headed down to the mine site? (Yes I'm sure I can call and ask PT myself, but the main point of is I mistakenly took the posters response as fact instead of opinion and any 3rd grader with english comprehension could tell what was being stated was opinion). What does Lots of interest have to do within the context of this sentence?

Own experience LOBO, Lots of Boots On is when these few drills completed with drilling ease already seen established last 7 years on site will be about 15 days, 24/7 hours working with all sent to Chemex.

Would love to hear other's take on what is being said here. Are we talking about the current, past or future?

Sounds to me like ALL wrapped prior early Dec but Mexus CEO as Major Drilling? none will confirm.

Sounds to me? That phrase usually infers a conversation took place where something was heard.

Clearly not everything stated was opinion. It is not clear what is opinion and what is fact.