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11/10/18 7:24 PM

#18199 RE: Googlesaurus #18198

G -Thanks for your service. Stay strong.



11/10/18 8:37 PM

#18200 RE: Googlesaurus #18198



11/10/18 10:11 PM

#18205 RE: Googlesaurus #18198

Thanks - This is for you my brother & All fellow Vets;

~ Veterans Day & Silent Memories of Moments Past ~

"On this day we honor the hero's from whom, our freedom stands! We give thanks to the brave men & women who have defended our Nation with honor and pride - defending against those who would threaten our freedom and the freedom of others, World wide!"

~ A Veteran honors this day with silent memories of moments past.
He remembers the moment he enlisted, hugged his dad and kissed his mom and little sis goodbye. He remembers his basic and advanced training and the parting moment when he shook the hand of the sergeant who taught him the skills to survive, to be the best that he could be, and to stand with honor and pride.

He remembers the moment he got his orders and the plain that flew him off to war. He remembers arriving In-country, his first LZ and the bullet that whistled by his ear, reminding him, you're not in Kansas anymore! He remembers the faces of the little children, mother's and father's too; I'm here to help you, he would say, to help you defend your freedom and to do the best that I can do!

He remembers the moment his buddy fell, whose lifeless body, he couldn't mend, the prayer he whispered softly and the ground he vowed to defend! He remembers receiving his orders; You're going home soon, and the moment he understood, it meant leaving his buddies behind, . . his band of brothers of the 1st platoon!

He remembers his first step back on American soil and those simple words, on bended knee and bowed head, that needed to be said; "Thank you Lord for watching over me and bringing me back home alive. And Lord, if it isn't too much to ask of you, some of my buddies are still over there, and I pray you can bring them back too. Amen." ~

~ So the next time you ask a Veteran about serving in a combat zone, responses are likely to very but, if he smiles and answers; One year, three days and twenty-seven minuets, just smile back, shake his hand and thank him for his service, . . for he will always live with those silent memories of moments past, and the moments he shared with you! ~ By:Lakota-45 ~