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11/09/18 9:13 AM

#13419 RE: bigworld #13418

Bigworld, The Russia-gate stuff may be BS, but if Trump goes wild and is seen to 'obstruct justice', they'll impeach him on that. That's what happened to Nixon - breaking in to the Dem headquarters to get dirt on the opposition was hardly an impeachable offense. But Nixon then tried to get the FBI and CIA to stonewall the investigation, and when he began firing his attorney general(s), his own Party turned against him. So the original 'crime' doesn't get you, it's the cover-up.

Fwiw, Webster Tarpley has an interesting theory on Watergate being a slow coup by the Deep State with the goal of permanently weakening the office of the Presidency. JFK had gotten in their way big time, and LBJ was also a strong character, and what the Deep State want is a yes man (like Pence), someone who will take orders.

So what they did with Nixon was to leak the Pentagon Papers (which itself was a 'limited hangout' operation by the Deep State with goals of its own), and then Kissinger played on Nixon's innate paranoia, telling him 'Mr President, we have to stop these leaks', and the 'Plumbers' team was formed by Howard Hunt of the CIA. The plan was to get caught (which is why they kept breaking into the Watergate building until they got caught, left tape on the door, etc), and the resulting impeachment process and aftermath led to a permanent reining in of the ability of future Presidents to stray from the Deep State playbook -

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11/16/18 12:41 PM

#13424 RE: bigworld #13418

Wow - Was that plagiarized word for word from Hannity's daily script? Nice puppetry Biggie! You may now return to your Foxhole. LOL